We are expecting several product lines to increase in price with very little notice! Call for pricing. Don't see what you are looking for on our website? Ask us! info@influentialdrones.com

Because cost matters, Influential Drones does not typically teach complete classroom courses for those wishing to obtain a FAA Remote Pilot certificate. Organizations and individuals wishing to take a "Preparation Class" by the team are encouraged first to enroll in a computer-based course where the students can study at their own pace.

To maintain consistency among students, groups are encouraged to enroll in the same online program and then call Influential Drones (856) 281-7545 to take a refresher course, or get assistance in signing up for the actual P107 written test. We have chosen to endorse and team with the following organizations who have proven their subject matter knowledge and commitment to customer service which we demand for all our clients.



Part 107 Commercial Certificate (15 hrs) = $149 per person

Part 107 and Public Safety COA Course (15 hrs) = $149 per person

Part 107 Night Training Course (1 hr) = FREE offering

Public Safety COA Made Easy =  FREE offering


For those who prefer interactive virtual options, we suggest the following:

Sundance Media Group

Two-day interactive virtual P107 training workshops (14 hours) = $295 per person


We offer in person face to face classes. Call us 856-281-7545 and we will have our instructors tailor a course specific to your group/department and location.

Contacts Us Today